Oral Surgery

At Manchego Dental, we take pride in providing an umbrella of oral surgery procedures to the highest standard of care.  With the use of digital x-ray and beam imaging technology, we can provide dental treatment that is faster, safer, and more reliable for the patient.

Our oral surgery services include:

  • Extractions: Tooth extractions can be simple or surgical. Surgical extractions involve the incising (cutting) of gingiva (gum) around the tooth to expose and remove a small amount of bone around the tooth, thereby facilitating the tooth removal.  Once all the tooth is removed from the socket (bone) the gingiva is put back and sutured (stitched) to keep it in place and assist with healing.  Typically, surgical extractions are indicated for badly broken teeth and broken roots embedded in bone.  Sometimes, and at the discretion of the dentist, a referral to an oral surgeon if necessary.
  • Alveoloplasty: This procedure smooths out any sharp or prominence areas from the bone that may produce discomfort with or without the use of a dental prosthesis or impede the fitting of a dental prosthesis. Sharp areas typically occur after multiple teeth extractions.  Bone prominences can occur naturally during development and not cause any problems at all during the patient’s lifetime.  The procedure involves cutting the gingiva (gum) to expose and smooth the bone with a special bone file or bur, the gingiva is then replaced and sutured.  Depending on the degree and location of the alveoloplasty needed, a referral to a periodontist may be warranted.
  • Socket Preservation: After a tooth is extracted, the osseus socket that housed the tooth starts its natural healing process that ultimately leads to bone shrinkage.  This loss in bone dimension can make it difficult for implant placement in the future.  To prevent this shrinkage, and thus prepare the area for future implant placement, a bone graft is placed in the socket following a tooth extraction.

  • Implants: The current scientific evidence points to the dental implant as the best treatment option to replace a missing tooth. Only two-stage implant placement is currently provided at Manchego Dental.  After completing a thorough assessment of the missing tooth area and determining an implant and crown are a viable replacement option, a formal treatment design and plan are completed and agreed with the patient.  The treatment we provide follows a two-stage method, which is considered one of the most reliable methods in dental implantology.  On the first stage, the implant is placed in the jawbone using a surgical guide and left fully covered by soft tissue (gum) to osseointegrate (heal).  The second stage occurs at 4-6 months from placement and involves exposing the implant and placing a healing abutment, making the implant ready for an abutment and crown.

  • Crown Lengthening: Dental restorations create a “seal” throughout the treated margins of the tooth and prevent bacteria from entering the tooth. Sometimes due to decay or fracture, the treated margin of the tooth falls at or below the bone level, preventing the restoration to achieve a proper seal.  This problem is corrected with a crown lengthening procedure. It involves removing bone from around the tooth, thereby “lifting” the margin of the tooth above the bone level and allowing the restoration to achieve an optimal seal.

If you would like more information or to get started, contact us, to schedule an appointment.

Ready To Smile?

6350 Shallowford Road
Lewisville, NC 27023

Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday
7:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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